
A tweet with #GetAirtel4g can get you a 4G SIM in no time!


In today’s fast paced life, time is money and the one thing which we all demand is speed! We want to travel faster, surf faster, transact faster and what not! So, in these times of crisis, urgency and need for speed, an old well wisher comes in a new avatar and guess what? You can get it delivered at your doorstep with nothing but a tweet!

Now how cool is that? We order food, clothes, accessorize and electronics online and rarely do we receive it on the same day. In this case, all you need is a 4G handset and a twitter account (and of course a data pack). By now it is quite clear that we are talking about 4G, but it is the name associated with it that gives reassurance—not only because it is a telecom giant in our country, but also because it is the most trusted and reliable network. If you are thinking what we are thinking, then it can be none other than Airtel.

Yes folks, Airtel now offers a novel 4G SIM delivery service in which an existing Airtel user having a 4G handset can get a 4G SIM delivered at their residence via a tweet using #GetAirtel4G. This is a one of a kind initiative which shows how much Airtel cares for its customers and wait for it—it is absolutely free!!

Consider this as step 1 and after an user  tweets using the hash tag “#GetAirtel4G”, he/she will get a reply from the @AirtelIndia handle on twitter, redirecting to a page where the user can enter the necessary details for SIM delivery.
Now comes a shocker! We followed the above mentioned procedure for SIM delivery and we received the”4”G SIM in just “4” hours!! It was known to us that the SIM gets delivered the same day, but 4 hours? That was real fast!

So are you tired of low speed internet? Do you have a twitter account? Are you an existing Airtel user? And lastly do you have a 4G compatible phone?
If the answer to all these questions are YES, then just remember that an Airtel 4G SIM is just a tweet away! 

Speed is good, but more speed is better!

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